Friday, April 29, 2016

Act 2

                The family has many issues during act 2. One of the big issues is that Jack has a heart attack. Eugene says" It wasn't a major (he whispers) - heart attack". on page 77, but it was still a heart attack. This is a big for one of 2 reasons, it hurts them financially. We know from Act one that they are already having financial problems. This heart attack was said to be from "driving a cab at nights to make extra money and just plain wore out." page 77. "Doctors orders say to stay at home for three weeks but Pops wont listen, he thinks three weeks will turn into permanently." page 78. Without Jack working the houses money income is slim. This relating to the financial problems in Act One. Jack having a heart attack is another problem because for obvious reasons his health. Since he will be out for a couple weeks when he gets back to work , he will try to work too hard and "plain wear himself out' again. Another problem in Act Two is that Eugene claims to hate Nora. Eugene says on page 78 “ I forgot to tell you, I hate my cousin Nora. She’s been real snotty to everyone lately. This is an issue because issues within the family will only turn into more problems.  Every little thing that may annoy Eugene or Nora may turn into a bigger problem that could possibly work Jack up into another problem. As if they weren't dealing with enough already.
Image result for stick figure resting 

This picture represents Jack because he is supposed to be resting for three weeks but he refuses. This picture is a person who is resting but is getting up to something. If this was Jack he would be getting up to go work and make money for the family.


  1. I agree with Brendan that the family is in a little bit of a pickle. They need him to work but at the same time he just had a heart attack and he needs to rest. They aren't really financially stable. But I understand where jack is coming from because I wouldn't rest either. I would still go to work and do whatever I can to support my family. Especially since you're going to have a big hospital bill coming soon.

  2. I agree with Brendan in saying that the family`s problems became way more serious in Act 2. I did not expect all of their problems to rise from the previous act. I made a guess in saying that after Stanley got his received his job back after being fired would bring in the income that he lost while fired. Also i thought that jack would find more work in order to support the family through this rough time. In the end it did not really matter about the money. All everyone cared about was that they were all happy and together.
